Venue Vizion: An Affordable Solution for HDTV Distribution and Control
Nothing engages audiences like video content, so it’s no wonder that bars, convention centers, medical offices, corporations, houses of worship, stadiums, and arenas are investing in high-definition video distribution. Integrating AV assets can be quite expensive -- but it doesn’t have to be. By utilizing the RF coax that already exists in most venues, Venue Vizion provides a simple and economical means of delivering HDTV distribution and control.
Venue Vizion is a cost-effective, easily expandable AV distribution solution that gives users control of each TV’s channel, volume, and power. TVs can be added using readily available passive splitters, thereby eliminating the need for individual home runs to each TV. In addition, video outputs are not limited to 100 meters. And because Venue Vizion's included control system runs on the same coax as the HD channels no additional cabling is necessary.
Venue Vizion’s control webpage Display Express Lite is easily accessible via smartphone, tablet, or PC allowing users to quickly control individual television or groups of TVs with only a few finger taps. This easy-to-use interface doesn’t require additional training or programming, so anyone that can navigate a webpage can operate Venue Vizion.
In engineering Venue Vizion, we’ve configured modern versions of our sports venue and restaurant industry proven QMODs and Display Express products to provide a cost-effective, all-in-one package that works right out-of-the box. The system includes 4 QMODs; a choice of HDMI 2, YPB 2 and HDMI RGB; 20 Display Controllers - ICC1-232 or ICC1-IRX; 1 Active Combiner; 1 DXL Ethernet Head-End Display Control Center; along with additional accessories per configuration.
Integrating AV solutions into your space should enhance experiences while being simple and budget-friendly. Venue Vizion provides straightforward HDTV distribution and control, all at an affordable price, under $15,000 MSRP.
To learn more about Venue Vizion, call our sales department at 972-931-2728 to schedule a demo today!

Venue Vizion IPTV
Venue Vizion IPTV was modeled after CR’s easy to use RF coax video distribution solution with display control, Venue Vizion. The AV over IP Video Distribution and Display Control solution is rack-ready, preset, and operational out-of-the-box